Friday, January 16, 2009

American Business, American Dream

I spoke with an old friend of mine this week. He's an old WSJ editor who now lives north of Los Angeles. While the climate agrees with him, I wouldn't say the California culture is a perfect fit. It's been a while since he frequented the halls of the Wall Street Journal in New York but he still uses the power of writing to convey ideas, poke holes in fallacy, and speak for truth. Using fact and logic unfortunately has become a lost art. The power of "spin" has dominated the last decade unlike anything we've seen before. I lament that fact but acknowledge that "Spin" is now popular culture. Just because it's popular, doesn't make it right.

For me, this blog has for the most part sat unused. A storage place for a few thoughts. A place of potential that has yet to be launched. I've decided that, along with my friend, 2009 will be the time not to worry as much about what people think and instead strive to instill responsibility, character and heart back into business.

I'm no political pundit. I'm a marketing guy that loves what he does. Frankly, in a perfect world, I don't believe politics has much place in business. But, the U.S. Government(not the people) has chosen a different path. This puts a guy like me somewhere in the middle. You have to be an accountant, a marketer, an artisan, and a lobbyist all at once in order to survive. Hopefully American business can do that and re-instill a spirit of the American Dream and not the American Handout.

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